Friday, February 1, 2008

Scientists find heaven by accident

Scientists at the Icelandic university have discovered the location of heaven.

The discovery came about accidentally when scientists where looking at antimatter from space in a ultraviolet light. They observed the antimatter and recorded the event in a alternative wavelength frequency on to a computer disk.

While observing the content of the antimatter at a molecule level, they discovered that various lifeforms existed inside the matter. They where able to determine that some of the lifeforms resemble Earth like lifeforms, but on a much smaller scale.

Heavenly warehouse

The scientist also found out that the storage method for the lifeforms is highly evolved. They compared the best known compression algorithms known to man and concluded that they where about 0.000001% effective compared to the antimatter storage method.

Concluding theory

The scientists also concluded that antimatter is expanding at an alarming rate and that the physical universe is contracting likewise, being compressed by expanding antimatter. One scientist Mr. Pétur Njálgson was quoted saying "Some of us feel that when antimatter takes over the universe, it will implode into a tiny rock that will explode later into a new big bang." He went on to say "the implications of this are enormous."

Side effects

Two of the scientist taking part in the experiment have fallen mentally ill. They have apparently suffered a extreme case of Schizophrenia. They are not expected to make it through the year. The team leader was quoted saying "Apparently heaven should not be observed by mortals." The resulted recording have been locked in a bank volt and will not be studied further.


Anonymous said...

Splendid ! How do I buy my way in ?

Surtur said...

This is a service that your local bank will offer in the near future...